ジェマ・マリンのインスタグラム(gemma_marin) - 9月29日 01時44分

When i found out i was pregnant i was really scared, even tho being a mom was my first goal in life, a lot of questions came to my mind: how am i gonna do it? I don't have enough money, is it now the best moment? What about acting? ... etc And i was feeling so sad for not being super happy, i thought the day i would look at the pregnancy test seeing "pregant" i would make a party! i wasn't feeling as i expected. You know what, all those fears are normal, sometimes takes a couple of days to realize that everything is gonna be fine, that you'll make it work no matter what❤ And now that i already have Alex, let me tell you something, no matter how hard it is, being a mom is the BEST thing in the world. If it's your time to be a mom, you'll find out the way of taking care of your baby. ?❤ Trust what life brings you and have positive attitude.


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