Flaunt Magazineのインスタグラム(flauntmagazine) - 9月23日 07時52分

“LA is constantly rebuilt and destroyed," @francoiseloiperrin tells us in our Flaunt.com feature story. "The quality of architecture is very diverse, from high-quality residences to low-budget mini-malls and apartments. I often say LA is a mess but that I love it, because a mess pushes you to experiment. You can only make things better.” His Air Houses exhibit us currently on display at the @chicagoarchitecturebiennial in the Garfield Park Conservatory through January 8, 2018. Read our story with him then find your way there.
IMAGE CREDIT: Francois Perrin. “Air Houses” (2017). 8 x 11 INCHES. Courtesy the artist and Chicago Architecture Biennial.

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#airhouses #designforanewclimate #francoisperrin #architecture #landscape #sustainability #globalwarming #chicagoarchitecturebiennial #garfieldparkconservatory #chicago

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