タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 9月17日 13時31分

Hello world if you can see this, I want you to know if I ever said or did anything stupid, getting loud looking or acting as if I know it all, writing fancy books or doing fancy or aggressive interviews and making harsh and or nasty comments towards women just stupid on the breakfast club as if I got the answers Sway.... Just know that it was the flawed immature soon to BE mature human being who thinks he has it all figured out named "Tyrese"..... it wasn't God
Speak soon - I'm quiet for now but I'm not done with this world just yet #StormWatch #NotSelfDeprecationJustWakingUpViaOutcry #WhenGodSlowsYouDownWeGrowUP
#FanMade @スヌープ・ドッグ ft Tyrese "Grateful"... prod by @seigemonstracity #SnoopGospelAlbum #BibleOfLove coming soon!! Father I hear you..... Go dark, this unexpected storm too shall pass.......... You can't open new doors with OLD keys #VoltronTravel.com


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Mercedes-Benz USAのインスタグラム
Mercedes-Benz USAさんがフォロー
