キャロル・アン・ワッツのインスタグラム(thewildcard) - 9月15日 15時47分

I JUST TURNED 30!!! And have felt some of the stress of missed milestones and bad decisions, but lately I've been feeling FREE.. free from judgement, self-doubt, anything that makes me less ME. 30 years leaves marks.. scars, pain and all the things that eventually lead to strength. The time will always shape and make us who we are. And now I can say I am unconditional love, compassion.. a fighter with a dose of WILDFIRE ⚡️??? And so are you. I was going to try to lay low after a stressful year of work, but the birthday love has been so energizing. Thank you sooo much!!! ⭐️ More than you know.
#love #strength #faith #spiritual #ascension #compassion #alchemy #growth #pheonix #rising #turningofthetide #life #30 #wisdom #light #birthdaygirl #celebrate #spiritual #experience #thebest #play #allday


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