姫沢のインスタグラム(himezawa) - 9月11日 21時22分

On folding 'paperplanes' ✉️ No matter how hard we try, how we cover it up or where we bury our past, we will always remember where we are from. There will always be the feeling of having to run from something - or someone - on my mind. It's not easy to force yourself to start over and over again, but to me that was life. Run. Hide. Restart. Pretend. For years I've tried sending my paperplanes, tried to run and be someone else, someone happy. I wanted to be there for people who were feeling the same, but I didn't want to be there for myself. Being alive, being the person in the mirror is scary. And it might always be that way for me. Lately I felt like I had to stop running away and just run towards something else. It's harder than I thought it would be. After all, it's still just running, right? I might never be happy or normal, but at least I can stop every now and then, pick myself up, say "it'll be alright, everything will be something" and just keep going. I don't want to stop anymore. Don't want to pretend and hide. Run for something, not from it. #tokyotour #himezawa #albumprogress #paperplanes #boots #nettights #inspirational #longpost #姫沢サブリナ #姫沢 #シンガー #アイドル #神ヒコーキ


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