ガゴシアン・ギャラリーのインスタグラム(gagosian) - 9月10日 11時54分

"Los Angeles to New York: Dwan Gallery, 1959–1971" at LACMA Los Angeles County Museum of Art, closes tomorrow, September 10.
This exhibition features modern and contemporary works from the personal collection of gallerist Virginia Dwan. The selection has been culled from Dwan’s promised gift to Washington, DC’s National Gallery of Art, which includes major works by American artists based on the East and West Coasts. The exhibition aims to illustrate Dwan’s creative spirit and her close association with Minimalism, conceptual art, and large-scale Earthworks. Included are artists Arakawa, Walter De Maria, Michael Heizer, and Yves Klein.
#Arakawa #WalterDeMaria #MichaelHeizer #YvesKlein #Gagosian @national_gallery @ロサンゼルスカウンティ美術館
Image: "Virginia Dwan at the exhibition Language III, Dwan Gallery, New York, "1969, photograph by Roger Prigent, courtesy of Dwan Gallery Archive


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