Toby LittleDudeのインスタグラム(toby_littledude) - 9月10日 03時02分

After three days in ICU, they let me go home! But a few hours after being home, Mom noticed I was breathing very rapidly and she immediately rushed me back to the hospital. They checked me out thoroughly and believed that the pain medications they prescribed me weren't agreeing with me. They gave me some new meds and I'm feeling much better.

I've been sleeping most of the time but that's normal considering all the drugs I'm on. I was hoping for some BBQ chicken but Mom said no. Instead, she made me some bland chicken stew which wasn’t too bad.

Doctor says my activity for the next 3-4 weeks will need to be restricted. This means no chasing babes, jumping or rough playing as such activities increase the amount of discomfort and increase the amount of strain placed on the tissue that's trying to heal. It also increases the risk of post-surgical complications. So basically, I'm on full-blown couch potato mode!

I want to thank everyone again for their concern, prayers, and generosity during this difficult time. You guys have been so wonderful and I'm very grateful for all the support.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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