モヒートのインスタグラム(mojito_rose_family) - 9月7日 23時14分

Do you remember a little bit ago I posted that a story about Charlie, an adorable pup who was being unfairly discriminated against due to his looks? Well sadly last night the city of Lakewood gave their ruling....Charlie must leave the city within thirty days. It's sad, ridiculous and unfair. Lakewood, OH still uses outdated and largely ineffective breed specific legislation. Charlie was APPROVED by the city as a pup and is now being forced out of the city because he looks too much like a pit ? Another dog named Bella is being tried as well because an ACO observed her from the owners backyard, all the way up on a second floor porch while responding to another call. Bella did nothing wrong. She has lived in the city for 6 years without incident. Local #Cleveland area friends-if you are able to attend this event and show your support, it would be much appreciated. Unfortunately Mom can't go (she works 7 days a week with weird hours) but we will be there in spirit. @thegregmurray @allbreedslakewood


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