トーリ・ウェブスターのインスタグラム(torriwebster) - 9月5日 04時29分

I can't believe tomorrow is the first day of my last year of university ?It feels like yesterday I was heading into my first year legitimately shaking with fear that I wouldn't fit in, or make friends. Now three years later I look back with the biggest smile on my face because of all the friendships I've made over these past few years. I've traveled to see the world, met the love of my life, and have been lucky enough to continue to build my own tiny little media empire along the way. The universe is so kind and pushes souls together and now I get to call my girl @amandarachlee my new roommate as she heads into her first year of university! ????Anyways, I just wanted to wish a little luck to anyone who may be heading into a new personal or academic chapter tomorrow - and know that the best is yet to come✨Trust the process ?


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