ローレン·ランドルフのインスタグラム(laurenlemon) - 8月28日 02時23分

I was so excited to see what the light was going to look like. I had my camera in hand, I knew I had to shoot something, but I didn't want to view the eclipse through the lens either. I assured myself if I didn't get a good photo, it would be fine. So I shot, and didn't check the images until later. The minutes just before and after totality were nothing like I expected. I think I thought it would look like sunset - pinks and orange, soft light. It wasn't that at all. Like everyone has said, photos don't show an accurate picture. It was almost like someone just had a dimmer switch on the light. It was that harsh, overhead morning light...but just darker. All of my photos look like they're just 2 stops underexposed. The colors were muted. We still had shadows, but they sort of mushed into the non-shadows. Once totality happened, day turned to night. I got cold, but didn't want to put on my jacket. I wanted to feel the temperature change, I embraced the goosebumps. I jumped up, spun around in circles, looking at the horizon around more than up. Simultaneously the longest and shortest 2 minutes ever.


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