ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 8月11日 21時42分

Baltimore is on pace for a record-high homicide rate this year — about double the rate per 100,000 people in Chicago, a city often described as plagued by violence. A 3-day Baltimore Ceasefire organized by community groups ended on Sunday with 2 homicides, an improvement on the city’s recent average of almost one per day. Since #FreddieGray died in April 2015, the city has endured rioting, the failed prosecution of 6 officers charged in his death, a surge in violent crime and a jump in drug overdose deaths. “The violence makes reform so much harder, but we have to try to make it work before we say it can’t work,” said Ray Kelly, co-director of No Boundaries Coalition, a community advocacy group in west-central Baltimore. Yet even activists who are sharply critical of the police say to give it time. The department is still adjusting to the body cameras first issued last year; a consent decree with the Justice Department to overhaul the way the police operate wasn't finalized by a federal judge until April; and a court-appointed independent monitor for the Police Department has not been named. “This is just the beginning right now,” said Darlene Cain, the president of a local advocacy group, Mothers on the Move. “I can’t give up. That’s not allowed.” @mattrothphoto photographed fliers promoting the 3-day Baltimore Ceasefire hanging on a shuttered car wash in West Baltimore last weekend.


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