マンチェスター・シティFCのインスタグラム(mancity) - 8月7日 23時56分

Christine Cleavest #ExtraordinaryCityStory with @visitabudhabi “It always starts with a boy... I guess I got into City because of an ex-boyfriend, he's no longer but I remain - yay me! I went to Maine Road back in the day and the first time I went to the new stadium was last year. I’m from New York, so when we heard City were coming to Nashville we decided let's be crazy, let's drive 17 hours to come down and watch. “City is an important part of my life. It's not just a weekend thing for us, our supporter club gets together throughout the week and do things and we support a couple of charities. One is Soccer in the City, which is a New York charity, they help under-privileged kids with tutoring and soccer. We do things for ALS too, so we try to mix our charities and getting together and supporting our team. We have so many different people and stories in New York, and it's so amazing that every week we can get together, in season and off season and share our ups and downs. “I think what makes us City is grit, determination and never giving up. It’s intertwined with where we live - because New York can be tough man! I think that's what we all like about the club. It's just knowing you got your mates around you and that you persevere, and do what you gotta do."


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