ソフィア・ブッシュのインスタグラム(sophiabush) - 8月6日 19時39分

#ad I am so lucky to have such wonderful people in my life. They inspire and #empower me every day! It’s important to have people in your life who will lift you up and help you grow. People you can talk openly and honestly with about the things that are important to you. One thing I’m super passionate about is #womensempowerment and a women’s right to choose everything… including #birthcontrol. It’s important we women know all of our options and are able to discuss with our healthcare providers which option may be right for us. To learn more about your options, visit NoHormonesPLZ.com [link in bio]. #NoHormonesPLZ
#NationalFriendshipDay #Empowerment #Choice (and to the point of my insta story the other day, while yes this is an "ad," as it's part of my partnership campaign around birth control awareness/access, these are my words. And this is a partnership I'm proud of because I'm proud to stand by, and support, other women in their quest for care and autonomy. Hopefully that sheds light on how/why partnerships develop for me! xxx)


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