ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 8月6日 12時17分

In New York’s SoHo, lines form early and last long for the newest limited-edition product drops. The photographer and @ニューヨーク・タイムズ photo editor @jeffreyhensonscales and the writer @hommepourfemme wanted to see where stylish NYC teenagers — like Brenn Lorenzo and Tre-Vaughn Fullerton, pictured here — gravitate. @jeffreyhensonscales has been photographing American youth culture for decades. @hommepourfemme grew up in New York; as a teen she, too, waited in line at influential #SoHoNYC shops and at Tower Records. “Long the home to trendy high-end stores, SoHo is now dotted with skate shops and sneaker stores,” she writes. The product drops at many of these shops draw hundreds of fans and resellers. The style of the teenagers like Brenn and Tre-Vaughn might be described as “the new geek.” “It is not price but exclusivity, the scarcity model, that drives the new geeks,” @hommepourfemme writes. Swipe left to see portraits of 2 more #newgeeks: Christoph Gross — “A big fan of Raf Simons, he represented the ultimate evolution of the new geek style” — and Nakessee Williams. #TheLookNYT


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