デンハムのインスタグラム(denhamthejeanmaker) - 8月4日 04時53分

GIVEAWAY!! I've been taking the road less travelled for years, forging my own path, and living an unconventional life. My audience is made up of people who connect with this way of life, whether they’re fashion enthusiasts or entrepreneurs. I've been asked to choose one of my followers for the chance to go on a 3-day mini road trip from ROTTERDAM to HANNOVER and get inspired to live life off the beaten path. If you are looking to make a big change in your life and recognise yourself in my story, comment below with why it should be you who gets chosen for this inspiring trip! *must have driver’s license and a resident of The Netherlands ?? #roadtrip #denham #jasondenham #denhamthejeanmaker #thetruthisinthedetails

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