ケリー・ウォルシュ・ジェニングスのインスタグラム(kerrileewalsh) - 8月4日 03時24分

Hello ?! I have a favor to ask ... PLEASE take some time today (or daily) & keep Jacob and his sweet family in your prayers.
He is a beautiful boy with a beautiful family and he could use prayers for healing, prayers for a miracle, support in spreading the word about his rare form of cancer and ALL the pure, positive, blessed vibes you can send his way.
My Babes and I were absolutely honored to spend some time with Jacob, his brother Lucas, and his parents Stephanie and Roger, yesterday. It was such a gift & I will forever treasure the experience and the enduring love and inspiration.
Please read Jacob's story below. Miracles happen every single day. I KNOW that Jacob is in the very best hands ? my prayer is that those hands heal Jacob and strengthen his spirit for the journey (that of his family too!). "Life is a series of thousands of tiny miracles, we just have to notice them." http://tbrnews.com/news/hermosa_beach/jacob-s-battle-with-ewing-s-sarcoma-gets-help-from/article_f489ff04-7713-11e7-9149-1f1aa1defe43.html


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