エミリー・シアーズのインスタグラム(emilysears) - 7月29日 09時57分

I love traveling but it can be tough to stay on track with eating healthy and finding time to get to a gym.
I often find myself coming home from traveling feeling burnt out and disappointed that I haven't stayed on track with my health and fitness goals while I'm away, but @1stphorm has made all those worries and frustrations disappear.
Now, my #1stphorm bag is the first thing I pack before I leave home for a few days. Keeping my favorite BCAA’s, Megawatt V2 Pre workout & Phormula-1 Protein powder with me has made all the difference!
I couldn’t be happier to say goodbye to missed gym sessions and feeling fatigued and dull when I get home from traveling.
Its all about making sure you have the right supplements & support system to prevent your goals taking a vacation while you are. @1stphorm


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