goproのインスタグラム(gopro) - 7月24日 05時20分

A close call from #GoProAwards recipient Johan Potgieter and Richard Leonard for #GoPro Takeover (@abc4explore) Part 2 of 3 - WOW!!! This video is so intense - looks like this White Shark was in full attack mode! Although it’s a bit sketchy/scary, what I love about this unbelievable moment is that it serves as video-data-proof that sharks and humans can and do coexist! If you watch the video frame-by-frame, you’ll see that the shark makes 3 close passes by the free diver, all in murky green water. Amazingly, in all 3 instances, the shark never opens its mouth or engages its teeth. Sharks are actually a lot smarter and polite than most people think! I have to also give credit to the free-diver for holding his ground and never shooting his spear gun at the shark. If you watch the video a final time without the diver's screams, it’s actually quite amazing to analyze this entire sequence! Sharks are not malicious creatures, they are simply sharks - trying to survive on this hostile planet - they might look a bit scary, but you would too if you had to hunt, stalk and kill every meal you ate - In the end, if you're really that freaked out by sharks, just stick to wearing speedos and hanging at the swimming pools and you'll be just fine!

#GoPro #SaveSharks #CinemaScience #abc4explore #SharkWeek

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