ソフィア・ブッシュのインスタグラム(sophiabush) - 7月21日 01時58分

HELP! This afternoon, the Senate Appropriations Committee will vote on whether or not to keep a ban against horse slaughter, in person. It's critical to America's 92,000 wild horses that the ban stay in place. If the ban is lifted, America's majestic wild horses will soon be as mythical as unicorns.

Groups like @saveamericasunicorns and @returntofreedom want your help. If you oppose the brutal treatment and slaughter of these horses, CALL the Capitol Hill switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected to your representatives, and tell them: “Hi, I am_____ and I will not accept the killing the killing of our nation’s iconic wild horses. I don’t want them to become as mythical as unicorns. Please continue to support the ban on horse slaughter and oppose any provisions that allows the Bureau Of Land Management to kill wild horses or sell them to someone who will.”


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




