フェリシア・チェンのインスタグラム(iamfeliciachin) - 7月19日 19時34分

Since I was in my teens, I often wondered to myself, what's the purpose of my life? I always felt there's something beyond the material and self.
Ever since I started volunteer work while being a student in secondary school, I will feel an inner sense of purpose when I am a blessing to others.
Talking to a senior in an old folks home whilst holding her hand, encouraging a child while spending time with him playing games in an organised camp. When life is no longer about self but about others, I truly feel a sense of love, hope and a change in perspective.
If you are just like me, wondering how you can also lead your life with purpose, check out @youthcorpssg and see how you can, like many other youths come together and make a difference ???#yepsg #youthcorpssg #nycsg #thecelebrityagency #sp


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