ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 7月18日 00時07分

Photograph by @paulnicklen // Whenever I look into the eyes of a Spirit Bear, I see wisdom, calm, patience, intelligence and an innate ability to connect to an ecosystem that we will never comprehend. Their senses are finely tuned to their surroundings. They know every twig, berry batch and salmon pool in their home range. They have walked the same trails thousands of times. When a bear like this beautiful female spirit bear, allows me into her world, I can’t even begin to describe the gratitude and humility I feel. I am uncomfortable breaking the peace of the moment with the click of my camera and yet I want to capture this moment and have it live on forever and play a role in helping protect some of the last great wildernesses. #followme on @paulnicklen to see my favorite video of a spirt bear catching a salmon. #gratitude #bear #nature #naturelovers #greatbearrainforest #gitgaatfirstnation #follow #kermodebear #bc


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