thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 7月15日 05時36分

Silky Sifaka, Marojejy National Park, Madagascar – photo by Kevin Schafer – @schaferpho @ナショナルジオグラフィック. Every two years, specialists from around the globe survey the status of wild primates and vote for the “ World’s 25 Most Endangered Primates.” It is a fairly grim task, since many, if not most, of the world’s primates are threatened or endangered, many of them critically so. But it’s purpose is a vital one, to raise awareness of the plight of little-known species that are plummeting toward extinction with little notice or fanfare. One of the most regular species on that list is this stunning lemur from Madagascar: the Silky Sifaka. Found only in two adjacent protected areas in the northeast of the island, Silkies may number no more than 250 individuals. I spent a week tracking these ghost-like animals through the rugged mountains of Marojejy in the company of Erik Patel, a primatologist who has dedicated his life to studying — and protecting — them. Along with his dedicated Malagasy staff, Patel has helped create new protected areas, and strengthen protection within those that already exist. It is heroic work, and just in the nick of time. Without their work, Silkies would very likely already be extinct. To find out more, visit #simpona #marojejy #silkysifaka #madagascar #endangeredprimates


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