Ilana Wilesのインスタグラム(mommyshorts) - 7月14日 04時30分

Thank you to everyone who stuck with me through my first and second house tour on Instagram Live, despite the trolls. If you didn't see, on the first video, I think it must have showed up on the popular page and I was inundated with horrible comments. Like really crude stuff from scum of the earth kind of people. It was really disgusting (not to mention distracting), and I had to stop in the middle to shut it all down. I usually think of Instagram as a nice supportive place and facebook as where the awful people live so it was really disheartening to have what I consider my safe place get so ugly. Thank you to the person who suggested putting my account on private while I was live so it would only get shared with my followers. That seemed to do the trick. I deleted the first video and you can watch the second one for a limited time on my live story! Thank you all for your kind words and for having my back. You all helped balance out the ugly side of humanity today! Also, just to be clear. I took no offense to anything and I did not take it personally. I was just disgusted.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





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