グレッグ・サイプスのインスタグラム(gregcipes) - 7月9日 22時59分

I am neither for society nor against society. I simply live my life according to my own understanding. To live according to one's own understanding is the only way to grow, to be mature. If you're always looking for someone to dictate your decisions you'll never know what your own life is. Real Life has to be lived by you. You have to follow your own small light. It is not always certain what to do, let it be so. Don't seek certainty, seek your understanding through your own trials and errors. Certainty can be given to you cheaply and you will be led into some trap or another, anyone can give it to you. In the final analysis you'll be a loser you lost your life to someone else's. Only for machines are things secured and certain. We are not machines we need to experience mistakes to learn. Man lives in freedom, freedom needs insecurity and uncertainty. Real intelligent man is hesitant he has no dogma to lean on. He must be responsive in the now. It is a capacity. A man who wants to know what life is has to be responsive. Centuries of conditioning has made us more like machines. Free yourself from mental slavery. I am here to help you to become free. ASK ME ANYTHING☀️#togetherletthelightshine

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