ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 7月4日 09時11分

Their stories came out slowly, even hesitantly, at first. Then in a rush. More than 2 dozen women in the technology start-up industry spoke to @ニューヨーク・タイムズ in recent days about being sexually harassed. 10 of them named the investors involved, often providing corroborating messages and emails, and pointed to high-profile venture capitalists such as Chris Sacca of Lowercase Capital and Dave McClure of @500Startups. The disclosures came after the tech news site @gettheinformation reported that female entrepreneurs had been preyed upon by a venture capitalist, Justin Caldbeck of Binary Capital. The new accounts underscore how sexual harassment in the tech start-up ecosystem is pervasive and ingrained. Now their speaking out suggests a cultural shift in #SiliconValley, where such predatory behavior had often been murmured about but rarely exposed. @maslovsaslov took this portrait of @geschehaas, an entrepreneur, in New York. She said she was propositioned for sex by an investor, Pavel Curda, in 2014. He has since apologized. “Having had several women come out earlier, including Ellen Pao and me, most likely paved the way and primed the industry that these things indeed happen,” @geschehaas told @ニューヨーク・タイムズ. Visit the link in our profile to read more about #womenintech speaking out against a culture of harassment.


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