The Cool Hunterのインスタグラム(thecoolhunter_) - 6月21日 22時11分

You need to figure out the big picture, or at least give yourself the benefit of the wonder that you’ll experience when you do see the bigger picture.

Travel is the cure and the answer for all those needs. Get out and go somewhere new. Do it now and do it often.

We at TCH believe strongly that travel helps not just every individual but also the world at large. The more you see, the more you want to see. The more you see, the less you think your way is the only way. The more you understand others.

No text book, degree or diploma will give you the valuable experience of what another city or country can provide

Travel the world, live in other cities, learn cultures. Learn because it keeps your mind young and your ideas developing.

Travelling offers you possibilities. When you’re stuck about what to do next in life, get on a plane and spend time in another country. You not only learn about others, you learn about yourself.

Travel opens up options you never knew you could have. You’ll become clearer on what to do in life or what exactly you should be doing.

Answers become clearer when you are in another country, exploring a different culture. We don’t know why or how, but something triggers answers when you are out of your environment in a place different from yours.

The answers have probably been there all along, but they’ll pop up when you are exploring the globe. (Link in profile)


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