ケリー・マレーのインスタグラム(kelli_murray) - 6月16日 00時22分

Navigating all sorts of emotions with this sweet girl lately. She is a feeler, no doubt. Which brings out some of her best qualities like compassion and empathy and kindness. But as a parent, sometimes it's hard to know how to help her when she just can't control the tears, and not respond to it with frustration. It's been a tough three weeks. Lots of changes in her world...with the ending of preschool and getting ready for a new baby sister...and I think she's just feeling it all. I'm realizing more and more the importance of my role in all of this. Her tender little heart needs me to just listen...to talk through situations with her...to show understanding and to encourage her in her strengths. Her sensitivity is something to cherish and not something to change, because it makes her who she is. Just like it makes me who I am. Sorry for the novel. Just feeling all the feels this morn. ❤️


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