トーマス・サドスキーのインスタグラム(thomas_sadoski) - 6月13日 20時19分

Maybe the purpose of art is to melt snowflakes?
For a couple of centuries in this country (and for many, many more globally) theater has lampooned, agitated and satirized the people in power, regardless of political party. In any society it is part of our job description as artists. We don't always succeed and frankly artists can get far, far too precious with the politicians they support (and they need to be made aware of and grow bigger than that shortsightedness). But in a free country, where the freedoms of personal and artistic expression are vital to the health of the republic, it is disturbing to see corporate donors bend to the whimpering of a pearl-clutching executive. Just as it was disturbing to see Tim Allen's successful tv show canceled because it agitated the precious sensibilities of some studio executive...or even if it had agitated the sensibilities of millions of people. There are no "safe spaces" in a free country; not for students, not for corporations and certainly not for politicians. It is art's duty to ensure that. We have a responsibility to engage with each other in a democracy and we can't do that when we run around shutting down the voices and platforms of people we may not understand or agree with. Art is not news, art is not fact, but art is truth: inconvenient, frustrating, wonderful, complex and so very human.


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