ジェイ・アルヴァリーズのインスタグラム(jayalvarrez) - 6月13日 07時42分

Laying in bed today thinking, feeling, and reflecting on my life just realize that this summer makes almost 10 years that I've been out of standard school system. I remember day after day telling my mom and dad how much I hate school, how unhappy I was every day waking up at 6AM getting home at 4PM even though I was a young child It was making me sad. I didn't go to a normal American school I went to a school in Hawaii that is filled with racism, hate, bullshit and a low level of education. Nothing that I wanted to be apart of me when I grew up. I took a shot in the dark by starting photography and videography at a young age as well as other things, didn't grow up rich didn't grow up with everything handed to me but had the most loving & unconditional sweet parents. 10 years later at almost age 22 I have not a single regret.. been around the world 100 times and met and felt things I never knew existed. Learned languages, religions, tech and emotional levels that school fails to provide everyone. Thank you guys for support.. don't be afraid to take chances because u dream & scheme is ur one shot & all you got.

PS to my 7th grade math teacher that told me I wouldn't succeed in my feelings and thoughts. Fuck you, You a HOE ????


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