イーライ・ロスのインスタグラム(realeliroth) - 6月12日 02時00分

Were it not for the scratches I might think this was all a dream. I'm still buzzing from my 2nd day with @Black Jaguar-White Tiger meeting the majestic big cat rescues and playing with the babies. Eduardo truly is the lion king and saves all of these animals from life in a cage as a pet and builds ranches and sanctuaries for them. Some even get to go into the wild protected jungle in Mexico. The animals adore him; he knows them all by sight and has the best vets in the world nursing them to health from malnourishment and abuse. This was my second time playing with baby Zelika the jaguar (6 months old) and Gotti the baby lion (8 months.) Even that age and size they were so incredibly strong, but very sweet, playful and affectionate. They have contests to visit the foundation - follow them on social to see more. And gracias @lucilasola for the introduction to my new Mexican family.


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