thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 6月11日 12時35分

“Slippery When Wet” – Photo by Kevin Schafer, @schaferpho @ナショナルジオグラフィック – Wild African Penguins in the Boulders area, south of Cape Town, South Africa, regularly nest amongst the suburban houses and backyards above the beach. In fact, I had a pair nesting right outside the door of my room; their nighttime braying often kept me awake, but it seemed a small price to pay to enjoy living with penguins. Every morning, one or the other of the nesting pair would head off to sea to look for food, descending these stairs and crossing a road to get to the ocean. The ubiquity of these penguins at Boulders, and their fearless nature, make it easy to be blind to the fact that the species is endangered, and their numbers dramatically decreasing. The reasons are achingly familiar: commercial fishing, catastrophic oil spills, and changes in the marine environment. The ocean is everywhere under assault, and the challenges facing these obligate seabirds seem never-ending. Getting safely down the stairs is, frankly, the least of their problems. #bouldersbeach #bouldersguesthouse #africanpenguin #slipperywhenwet


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