ナタリー・スアレスのインスタグラム(natalieoffduty) - 6月9日 00時10分

To celebrate World Oceans Day today, I am taking part in the beautiful #LaMerWaveWalk. @ドゥラメール has been dedicated to protecting and celebrating the ocean for over a decade and this year they partnered with @weareprojectzero to host an art trail across NYC throughout June. While exploring the Wave Walk I fell in love with Keith Richard's "Human Tide" sculpture. I hope you’ll join the celebration and help raise awareness for ocean conservation by exploring the city and discovering the rest of the sculptures, all of which will be sold via Paddle8 and by auction at Sotheby's (100% of net proceeds going to La Mer Blue Oceans Fund for Project 0 which launched this year to protect Marine Protected Areas across the globe). #LaMerInfluencer #ad ?????


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