Dazed Magazineのインスタグラム(dazed) - 6月8日 17時06分

Theresa May’s campaign has dangled one particularly rotten carrot on a stick in front of the electorate – that she’ll be "strong" in Brexit negotiations. Not only has she proven herself to be a politician exposed and frozen by the headlights like a rabbit about be run over, it’s offensive to run a campaign based on a miserable political gamble taken by her prime ministerial predecessor David Cameron. It was your party that got us into this mess – Cameron used it as a way to secure power and then failed to provide real information about the consequences of leaving the EU – don’t you dare make "saving us" your solemn promise. Don’t shoot me in the legs and say you’ll drive me to hospital.⠀

Words @thomasgorton
? @jacobchabeaux
#ge2017 #votelabour


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