アジャ・ナオミ・キングのインスタグラム(ajanaomi_king) - 5月26日 05時18分

Normally after I post something I don't typically return to the post but something caught my eye and I saw the comments below which were extremely heated. This painting and my posting of it is not to insult the artistry of Michelangelo. Like the caption below states, a caption I reposted mind you, you rarely see a depiction of people of color in heaven, so I posted a photo that was one great artist reimagining another great artists work. That is all.
#Repost @weareheremovement
#CultureFlow // Historically, most renowned artists’ created a reflection of their Eurocentric view, and far too often people of color were excluded. When scenes of heaven are depicted, many times people of color are nonexistent. Harmonia Rosales (@honeiee ) a young visionary based in Chicago, reimagined Michelangelo’s iconic Sistine Chapel piece of work, “Creation”, with Black women because women of color are also a creation of God.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




