ジェマ・マリンのインスタグラム(gemma_marin) - 5月22日 05時20分

You girls can check the interview i did for SMV, a movement that empowers women in the way we are, no matter what. Since my videos became viral i've felt how usually are women who blame on women. I don't understand, we are the ones who have to support and respect each other if we want the society to do the same. 😤 Don't you think so??? .
Ya podeis ver la entrevista que hice para SMV, una revista que apoya a las mujeres tal y comonsomos. Desde que mis videos se hicieron virales, son las mujeres las que mas me han criticado o cuestionado. No entiendo que seamos nosotras mismas las que nos tiramos por tierra cuando somos las primeras que deberiamos respetarnos si queremos que la sociedad lo haga😤 No creeis?? .
.#Repost @sundaymorningview with @repostapp
"I will only live one life as Gemma Marin.’ [It reminds me] to enjoy life as the person I am today." - @ジェマ・マリン
Click link in bio to READ her COMPELLING story, photography by: @karlogomez #sundaymorningview #mother #life #bopo #spain #beauty #beautiful #reddress #positivevibes #morning #coffee

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