ピーター・リンドバーグのインスタグラム(therealpeterlindbergh) - 5月22日 02時26分

PSPF 2017

One month ahead of the workshop, Peter asked all participants to present himself and give one reason why she/he will be taking part.

MAIN TENDENCIES IN ANSWERS (PART 1 of 3): “I hope to exchange ideas with the other participants, and learn from you, how to take my work to the next level.” “…want to be more creative in my work and want to learn from you how to move people with my images…” “…how to become a more successful photographer?” “…I want to find out how I could make my work more authentic …” “…to hear about the importance of intuition from you and how you achieve this rare intimacy with the women you photograph…” “…to tell more about storytelling… I hope you can explain, what I have to do, to connect my fashion photography to reality.” “…to hear from you how to capture these feeling… how to get this iconic randomness and spontaneity you have…” #PSphotofestival #PSPF2017 #LindberghStories @2bmanagement @gagosiangallery @psphotofestival (Photo by @stefanrappo)


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Danielle Sharpのインスタグラム
Danielle Sharpさんがフォロー
