DARREN&PHILLIPのインスタグラム(the_blueboys) - 5月20日 08時30分

Dear diary: Today is cold and dreery. I can see Dad getting ready for our run out the corner of my eye. On Saturdays we go for an extra long run and usually I love it. But today, I don't know it's just so cold and I'm so comfortable right here. I really don't want to hurt his feelings... but I'm also considering just pretending to be asleep.. No. sleep won't cut it he'll just wake me up. Maybe I'll put on a little limp and let out a little cry. But not enough of a cry for him to get scared that I'm sick.... it's so hard. Crap, I think he sees me awake.. looks like I'm going for a run. #darrensdiaries


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