Huffington Postのインスタグラム(huffpost) - 5月18日 05時13分

At Last! Joe Biden Gets His Own Ice Cream Flavor ??????????????????⠀

The Cornell University Dairy is naming in Biden’s honor a batch of his favorite ice cream — good old fashioned chocolate chip, the Cornell Daily Sun reports.⠀

It’s in advance of Biden’s convocation address at the Ivy League institution on May 27, during which dairy staff hope to serve 30 three-gallon tubs of the flavor.⠀

Students submitted 150 name ideas to the Cornell Convocation Committee.⠀

They’ve now been whittled down to five finalists: “Biden’s Chocolate Bites,” “Bits n’ Biden,” “Big Red, White & Biden,” “Not Your Average Joe’s Chocolate Chip” and “Uncle Joe’s Chocolate Chip.”⠀

The final name has to be cleared with Biden’s representatives before it can be revealed. Dairy staff hope to do so in the coming days. What's your vote? ⠀
- @leemoran for HuffPost⠀
(? @gettyimages)


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