ナズ・アイデミルのインスタグラム(akyolnaz) - 5月16日 10時30分

Bu sezonla ilgili ne soyleyebilirim bilmiyorum. En dibi de gorduk, en yukariyi da... Ama bu takimi ozel kilan bir sey vardi ki her dibe vurusumuzda birbirimize sarilarak daha da guclenerek ciktik yukari. Avrupa ve Dunya Sampiyonu olduk... Tum @vakifbanksk ailesi fertlerine, bizleri gece gunduz demeden destekleyen tum taraftarlarimiza tesekkur ederim. Unutulmaz bir sezondu... // i don't know what can i say about this season. We've seen the top and the bottom, but what made this team special was; everytime we hit the bottom we rise up stronger than before. We became the European and the World Champion. Special thanks to all @vakifbanksk family members and to our supporters from all over the world. It was an unforgettable season... ????? #goVakif


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