アンナ・パキンのインスタグラム(_annapaquin) - 5月15日 08時45分

A little throwback pic of some good old fashioned finger painting. Actually it was totally naked babies just playing in paint.... There have been a lot of women, some mothers some not who have played crucial roles in my journey as a mum and as it's #mothersday I thought it was only fair to say thank you. So from MFM and NICU nurses and lactation consultants at Cedars Sinai to the night nurses and nannies who have cared for my kids while I worked and recovered from PPD to the remaining member of the nanny swat team who is still a part of the family, my debt of gratitude is hard to put into words.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



