OFI Australiaのインスタグラム(ofi_australia) - 5月14日 13時50分

Mother’s Day is the perfect day to celebrate not only human mothers — but orangutan mothers, too!
Orangutan mothers and babies have an incredibly close relationship. In the wild, orangutans stay with their mothers until they are around seven or eight years old. Infants almost never even let go of their mothers for the first few months of their life!
Baby orangutans don’t have an extended family to show them the many life lessons of finding food, building nests and countless other survival skills. Instead, they rely solely on their mothers to teach them everything they need to know about survival in the forest before they eventually set out on their own.
Every year on Mother's Day, Orangutan Outreach teams up with zoos, wildlife sanctuaries and orangutan lovers everywhere for a global event called MOM #OrangutanMOM — Missing Orangutan Mothers - to bring attention to the crisis facing orangutans in the wild and encourage people to help protect them. Please help spread the word.
You can donate to help save orangutan mothers and their infants at http://orangutanfoundation.org.au/the-cause/ #orangutan #BornToBeWild #Borneo #Indonesia #orangutans #savetheorangutans #sayNOtopalmoil #palmoil #deforestation #destruction #rainforest #environment #nature #endangeredspecies #endangered #wildlife #orangutanfoundationintl #ofi #drbirute #ofi_australia #ofia #fosterparent #FosterAnOrangutanToday


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