Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 5月13日 05時53分

Guys: How many times have I complained about the terrible videos that @vanessafdeztho @drmariomacias and almost everybody around me take? (Vanessa has gotten way better thanks to my anger). It turns out that I was right all along and Apple created a website specifically to teach people how to take good videos and pics with the iPhone. People called me a hater just for pointing out the basic stuff. Imagine how frustrated Apple must have gotten after the billions of dollars invested in their super easy to use camera for people to mess it up so they decided to create a website. Another victory for Papa Bear. You're welcome world...
PS- @berniesolano sucks big time at taking pictures too...
PPS- Apple: Your Photos software is stupid. Bring back iPhoto please...
#PapaBearChronicles #blackjaguarwhitetiger #AppleI #iPhone


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