レオナルド・ディカプリオのインスタグラム(leonardodicaprio) - 5月12日 10時16分

#Regram #RG @everydayclimatechange: Mette Lampcov @mettelampcov for @everydayclimatechange - Two men are fishing where the Owens river is diverted and separated into the start of the California aqueduct; the Sierra Nevada mountains are covered in snow in the background, in the Owens Valley, CA.
After years of drought and very low snowpack in the Sierra Nevadas where most water in California originates, this year was the total opposite, with one storm after another slamming into California. These storms are called atmospheric rivers, bringing one of the largest snowpacks in history. Now the weather is starting to warm up and the DWP ( Department of Water and Power ) are bracing themselves for flooding, as that snow starts to melt. The aqueduct is currently running full to capacity and the DWP is working overtime to spread water to help avert flooding, diverting water into smaller creeks and fields, hoping that at the same time they might replenish the groundwater. They have not seen this level of water in 40 years or more, and its only the beginning of spring and warmer weather. Extreme flooding and drought are two sides of the same coin, and experts see this as a connection to climate change.

#california #californialandscape #water #climat #owensvalley #sierranevada #photojournalism #documentaryphotography #climatechangeisreal #river #naturephotography #flooding #globalwarming #watertodust


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