ハワイアン航空のインスタグラム(hawaiianairlines) - 5月10日 09時35分

Hello! It's @myspacetom here doing a little take over of @ハワイアン航空 for the day. Not many people know, but after retiring from MySpace, I moved to Hawai‘i. O‘ahu is now my second home. Today I'm going to share a few shots from Hawai‘i! The place photographed here is known as the Wall of Tears, or Weeping Wall. I love seeing untouched places like this. It leads your mind back to what life was like on the Islands before people came. The waterfalls were stunningly tall -- this shot is from a helicopter. I think Hawai‘i has some of the best helicopter tours in the world. The mountains are like nothing you've ever seen... especially on Kaua‘i :-)


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