グレッグ・サイプスのインスタグラム(gregcipes) - 4月25日 10時08分

How are we going to have peace when there is no justice. Together we are growing strong✊️Join us in creating a new cartoon that will present a new government for the people by the people(government of Animals in this case)in Harmony with Mother Earth and all Beings. We will be presenting a blueprint in this series/test run of a new system based on freedom, celebration and respect lead by our animal rebellion resistance tribe! Being free to celebrate life, being free to create whatever you want, being free to feel how you want, being free to actually feel alive and healthy all the time and in harmony with existence! #shoutforfreedom #afoulamerican @afoulamericanshow ???? You can get it if you really want it. You must try try and try and you will succeed at last!! Back US on Kickstarter Link in Bio☝️ Check out new content posted every day on our #afoulamerican Facebook page!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



