ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 4月24日 09時10分

International scholars and historians are slowly coming around to the idea that sliding on snow may have indeed originated in the northern tip of China’s #Xinjiang region — a wedge of territory that pokes up between Mongolia to the east and Kazakhstan to the west — instead of the Scandinavian mountains that were long considered its birthplace. But a deeper battle over skiing’s origins is already being waged within China’s own borders. It’s a struggle marked by fears that ethnic minorities like the Mongols and Kazakhs who’ve long lived in the Altai Mountains will have their way of life choked off by encroaching modernity — and the country’s ethnic Han Chinese majority, which dominates a government that has had no qualms shaping Chinese culture in its own image. Garrett Grove photographed this man skiing along an old trail, looking for fallen wood to make new skis in northern Xinjiang. Visit the link in our profile to read more about China’s Stone Age skiers. #?


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