コーラル アンド タスクのインスタグラム(coralandtusk) - 4月20日 07時01分

Our new collection is not only inspired by places we visited in Japan but also by the country’s folk tales. @asumigp shared stories of animal folklore with @stephanie_coralandtusk , who then put pencil to paper and thread to fabric. Many of the tales found in Japanese mythology and folklore involve animals who help humans, The Grateful Crane is one of those tales! Our Feather Weaving Crane pillow depicts The Grateful Crane creating a cloth of gold, woven from her own feathers. She made the glimmering textile to present to the older couple who saved and sheltered her, here the couple are reimagined as friendly mice!

新作のひとつ、”The Grateful Crane” は昔話「鶴の恩返し」にインスピレーションを得ています。鶴の羽には、まるで織物のように美しい金色の羽が。小さなネズミ二匹はもしかしたら鶴を救ったおじいさんとおばあさんの仮の姿かもしれませんね。
#coralandtusk #coralandtuskinjapan #crane #decorativepillow #embroideredpillow


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