デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 4月16日 02時39分

I do and I have for most of my life. It doesn't mean sometimes the wrong people get close or you miss out on connecting with someone with a similar moral code. Sometimes we push away people that remind us of our own struggles when the fact you both overcame actually makes you more connected. Other times you pull a toxic person close because you're esteem may be low and it's a way of harming yourself.
The fact is your gut and that energy are always present so don't screw around and not listen to you.
We learn something from every situation we are in with people. We take those moments to the next friendship, relationship or connection.
More over it's what you possess and it's what you put out that truly is the source of this ability.
As long as you are present and honest with yourself you will be sharper and more capable of "feeling" when something or someone is not giving you the right vibe.
My gut got me to where I am. I listened to it when I was young and I still listen to it.
Maybe I'm a Jedi?


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