SQUAD CATS +65のインスタグラム(cora13cats) - 4月11日 22時34分

Hermès #?squadfacts:

1. Hermès was born in a shipyard, and had the flu (and fleas) when she was rescued along with two other kittens.
2. For the first week or so, I thought Hermès was a boy.
3. She was a little feral and initially didn't like being touched or handled, but eventually became the first of the kittens to seek my lap.
4. Hermès is kind of a diva. For example, she won't eat kibbles or treats that aren't fresh. Also, if she wants attention, she will make sad-sounding meows until I entertain her.
5. Hermès is actually pretty small-sized and gets picked on from time to time by Rochelle. Kal, Loki and William, especially, will usually come to her defense.
6. I hang my towel on my bed post and she constantly pulls it down to the floor to make a bed for herself.
7. Her favorite treats are Ciao, dairy Temptations and any of the Party Mix flavors.
8. Hermès (air-MEZ) only gets called by her actual name when she's in trouble; her other names include Princess/Pwincess, Mew Mew and MewTwo.
Thank you for reading and tagging anyone who would like to introduce themselves!


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