ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 4月8日 04時38分

“Will you be willing to give us your dog’s poop?” the young woman with the clipboard asked. Her request, unusual as it was, came in the name of science. Collecting stool samples is all part of an ambitious project by Jane Carlton, the director of @nyuniversity’s Center for Genomics and Systems Biology, to map what she calls “the NYC microbiome”: the tiny organisms that thrive in living things and the environment. Her researchers have been going park to park to collect 100 canine samples, 20 from each borough. They hope to learn if the digestive tract of a terrier on Staten Island is host to the same sorts of bugs as that of a poodle on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. But their survey doesn’t end with dogs. Researchers are amassing similar citywide data sets from cats, rats, mice, pigeons and cockroaches. By the end of the month, they hope to start extracting DNA to look for patterns. @samuelhodgson photographed this pup at a park in Long Island City, Queens. ("What a strange assignment," @samuelhodgson said.) #? ?


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